Friday, August 19, 2011

Pictures from Israel Trip

Hello everyone,

What a year its been.  Scandinavia was so much fun.  It not only makes me think of future adventures but also causes me to reflect on journey's past.  Here are some of the photos from a Pennel Group trip I organized to the Holy Land this past March (video of many more photos to come soon).

    Ancient Roman Theater in Caesarea

    The third largest city in Israel - Haifa.  This picture was taken from a section of the upper terraces of the 
    Bahai Shrine 

    Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth    

    Church of the Beatitudes - built on the traditional site of Jesus' 
    delivery of the Sermon on the Mount

Rainbow on the Sea of Galilee

    Baptism on the Jordan River

    Ancient ruins in Bet She'an Archaeological Park

    Place of Jesus's birth - Bethlehem 

    Wailing Wall with The Dome of the Rock at center
    Our group at the site of Masada - a site of ancient palaces 
    and fortifications in the South District of Israel

    Near the Dead Sea - at 1,388 ft below sea level, it is 
    the lowest point on earth

    Elvis in the Middle East.  Who knew?

    The Shouk or "Market", Tel Aviv

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