Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Last Day at Sea

Wednesday, 1/30.

Our last fun day at sea. The booray table seems to grow larger every sea day. Some of The ladies are practicing more bridge skills. Others are working out and attending zumba classes and dance classes and classes on how to have a flat belly and how to increase your metabolism. I am sure they will put all of this into practice after the cruise. Tonight is our last formal night. The food and the entertainment on the ship have been very good.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Puerto Madryn, Argentina

Tuesday, 1/29
Puerto Madryn, Argentina. Temperatre 82. Partly cloudy and sunny. This area of Argentina holds on to its Welsh traditions as it was founded by 150 Welsh settlers in 1856. We began our day with a motorcoach ride to the Welsh village of Gaiman (once visited by Princess Diana). This village continues its wonderful tradition of Tea-Welsh style which we enjoyed along with homemade scones, cakes and breads, butter and jam. After tea we returned via Punta Loma to get a glimpse of Patagonia's coastal wildlife including a visit to the resident colony of sea lions. Then a drive along the beach through the town on the way back to our ship.

Pictured below-

-Our guide Maybel with Mate (a drink similar to tea) that you drink from a gourd as a group experience.

-Enjoying tea Welsh style in Gaiman

-Garden of local tea house

-Sea lions in Puerto Madryn

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cape Horn

Sunday, 1/27

We sailed around Cape Horn this morning at 6:30 am. 

Although not the most southerly point of South America, (which are the Diego Ramírez Islands) Cape Horn marks the northern boundary of the Drake Passage (which separates the continents of South America and Antarctica).  For many years it was a major milestone on the clipper route, by which sailing ships carried trade around the world (they take the shortcut through the Panama Canal nowadays). However, the waters around the Cape are particularly hazardous, owing to strong winds, large waves, strong currents and icebergs; these dangers have made it notorious as a sailors' graveyard.  

Pictured below- unlucky sailors near Cape Horn, late 1800's

Luckily on our passing the ocean was very calm.  The Captain said that this was as good as it gets.  We have now crossed from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic.

Below- map and photo of Cape Horn 

Ushuaia, Argentina

Saturday, 1/26. 

Ushuaia, Argentina.  It was a beautiful sunny day in the high 60s.  We had an afternoon visit to the National Park Tierra del Fuego.  Tierra del Fuego National Park is a national park on the Argentine part of the island of Tierra del Fuego, within Tierra del Fuego Province in the ecoregion of Patagonic Forest and Altos Andes, a part of the subantarctic forest. Established on October 15, 1960 and expanded in 1966, it was the first shoreline national park to be established in Argentina.  The park has dramatic scenery, with waterfalls, forests, mountains, and glaciers.  The southern terminus of the Pan-American Highway is located within the park (which begins nearly 30,000 miles north in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska).  We took a short hike to appreciate the local flora and fauna.  The scenery was spectacular with the snow-capped mountains in the background.  I guess it can be said we walked to the end of the world!

Pictured below- Tierra del Fuego National Park snow topped mountains and some of the Joyful Friends group members

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Punta Arenas

Friday, 1/25

Temperature today 59 degrees.  60 mile an hour wind on Otway Bay. We departed from the pier through the city of Punta Arenas (translation- "Sandy Point") driving northwest, following the road that leads toward a huge sheep farm before Otway Bay.  Located on the north shore of the Strait of Magellan, Punta Arenas was originally established in 1848 as a tiny penal colony.  The city was officially renamed Magallanes for Ferdinand Magellan in 1927, the Portuguese explorer who, while circumnavigating the earth for Spain, passed close to the present site of Punta Arenas in 1520.  It was changed back to Punta Arenas in 1938.

We continued skirting Otway Bay until we arrived where the Magellan penguins live and nest. We walked for one mile over a wooden path to reach a penguin rookery. It was a real challenge to walk into the wind, but well worth the adventure.  Later we stopped in the town of Puerto Arenas before returning to the ship by tender.  Sailing out at 5:30 pm.

Pictured below-

  • Memorial to Ferdinand Magellan in Punta Arenas
  • The Magellan penguins
  • Enjoying the penguin adventure

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Fun on our Ship!


Pictured below-

-3 tables of bridge. One exciting bid was 7 spades doubled


-Lessons in zumba, argentine tango and salsa

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Puerto Montt and Frutillar

Tuesday, 1/22. Puerto Montt, Chile. High today 76. Cloudy in the morning. Sunny in the afternoon. We departed from the ship by a tender to the city center, by the main square and the cathedral. Then we headed towards Puerto Varas known as the "City of the Roses". It overlooks Lake Llanquihue (the largest lake entirely in Chile). We continued on to Frutillar, with homes built similar to those of the German Black Forest region due to early German settlers in the 1850's). At Frutillar, we could see the snow covered Osorno Volcano in the distance when the sun appeared in the afternoon. The area is popular with skiers during their winter months (North America's summer months).

Pictured below- Puerto Montt, German style home in Frutillar, flowers in Frutillar,
Osorno Volcano

Monday, January 21, 2013

First Day at Sea

Monday, 1/21

A Fun Day at Sea- working out, reading, bridge for the ladies with afternoon tea, some the guys played booray. Later we dressed up for our first formal night. Cocktails in the Constellation Lounge, dinner, then a Broadway show (off,off Broadway).

Valparaiso and Boarding the Ship

Sunday, 1/20

We boarded our coach this morning for a picturesque transfer to the pier in Valparaiso to join our ship-the Celebrity Infinity. A visit to Vina del Mar (the Garden City) and Valparaiso (World Heritage Site). We began our journey en route 68 from Santiago heading towards the beautiful city of Vina Del Mar and had lunch at a cafe by the beach. Then we headed around the bay to Valparaiso and discovered this busy port city with its charming hills (once referred to by sailors as "Little San Francisco". A ride on the funicular where we enjoyed the view of the city and our ship from the hillside. We boarded our ship at 3:00 pm and will sail out at 7:00 pm. Looking forward to a fun day at sea tomorrow.

Pictured below- Valparaiso, Vina Del Mar, The Celebrity Infinity

Valparaiso and Boarding the Ship

Sunday, 1/20

We boarded our coach this morning for a picturesque transfer to the pier in Valparaiso to join our ship-the Celebrity Infinity. A visit to Vina del Mar (the Garden City) and Valparaiso (World Heritage Site). We began our journey en route 68 from Santiago heading towards the beautiful city of Vina Del Mar and had lunch at a cafe by the beach. Then we headed around the bay to Valparaiso and discovered this busy port city with its charming hills (once referred to by sailors as "Little San Francisco". A ride on the funicular where we enjoyed the view of the city and our ship from the hillside. We boarded our ship at 3:00 pm and will sail out at 7:00 pm. Looking forward to a fun day at sea tomorrow.

Pictured below- Valparaiso, Vina Del Mar, The Celebrity Infinity

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Santiago, Chile

Saturday, 1/19

Chile's steady economic growth has transformed Santiago into one of Latin America's most modern metropolitan areas, with extensive suburban development, dozens of shopping centers, and impressive high-rise architecture.

It was a beautiful day here in Santiago- 85 degrees and sunny. This afternoon we began our visit in Santiago's historical Downtown. Our first stop was in the Plaza de Armas which is the main square of the city and the Metropolitan Cathedral, visting its principal altars. Then we headed to visit the civic neighborhood of Santiago, to visit the Palacio de la Moneda, the work place of Chilean presidency. Our last stop was Cerro San Cristobal, or the San Cristobal Hill, which provides a spectacular panoramic view of Santiago.

Pictured below- Government Building and
San Cristobal Hill with our Guide Eduardo

Friday, January 18, 2013

Cuzco and Departure for Santiago

Six of our group begin their day with a journey to Cuzco and a city tour starting at the Impressive colonial cathedral which contains over 400 paintings of the colonial art influence from the Cusquena School as well as a number of ancient altars. We continue on to visit
Koricancha, the Temple of the Sun, the main religious centre of the Incas and dedicated to The Sun Cult. Later they will travel to Lima for the night.

Pictured below- Cathedral of Santo Domingo, Cuzco

The fun begins for the remainder of the group who will depart Nashville in the afternoon on Delta and AA for an overnight flight to Santiago, Chile. Arrival approx. 10:00 am on Saturday Jan 19.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Machu Picchu

Today the group traveled by train to board the Vistadome to Machu Picchu. They arrived in Aguas Callientes
and saw “The Lost City of the Incas”, discovered by American explorer Hiram Bingham in 1911. They had a guided tour of the marvelous Citadel, a truly awe-inspiring experience. Then they strolled around the archaeological site before their return trip to Urubamba.

Pictured below- The Citadel and The Machu Picchu

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Cuzco, Inca Ruins, Shopping and more

The early starters on the trip flew today to Cuzco followed by a journey to Urubamba, just one step closer
to Machu Picchu. Departing from Cuzco they visited the impressive Inca fortresses of Sacsayhuaman,and enjoyed panoramic views of Cuzco. Next- “Sacred Valley of the Incas”and bargain shopped at the markets of Pisca. Afternoon visit to Ollantaytambo,
A famed Inca archaeological sight. They will stay the night in the town of Urubamba.

Pictured below- The Markets of Pisca

Monday, January 14, 2013

South America!

Our South American Cruise and Tour began today.

4 of our group departed for Lima, Peru. 2 more will depart tomorrow for Lima also.
The 6 of them will be on a 5 day Manchu Picchu Adventure before joining the rest of the group at
the ship on Jan 20th in Valparaiso, Chile ( about 3 hours from Santiago).

Pictured below- Lima, Peru (The Basilica Cathedral of Lima)