Monday, January 21, 2013

Valparaiso and Boarding the Ship

Sunday, 1/20

We boarded our coach this morning for a picturesque transfer to the pier in Valparaiso to join our ship-the Celebrity Infinity. A visit to Vina del Mar (the Garden City) and Valparaiso (World Heritage Site). We began our journey en route 68 from Santiago heading towards the beautiful city of Vina Del Mar and had lunch at a cafe by the beach. Then we headed around the bay to Valparaiso and discovered this busy port city with its charming hills (once referred to by sailors as "Little San Francisco". A ride on the funicular where we enjoyed the view of the city and our ship from the hillside. We boarded our ship at 3:00 pm and will sail out at 7:00 pm. Looking forward to a fun day at sea tomorrow.

Pictured below- Valparaiso, Vina Del Mar, The Celebrity Infinity

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