Thursday, September 4, 2014


Madrid is the capital and largest city of Spain. The population of the Madrid metropolitan area is calculated to be around 6.5 million- making it the third largest in the European Union after London and Paris. 

The city is located on the Manzanares River in the centre of both the country and the Community of Madrid (which comprises the city of Madrid, its conurbation and extended suburbs and villages); this community is bordered by the autonomous communities of Castile and León and Castile-La Mancha. As the capital city of Spain, seat of government, and residence of the Spanish monarch, Madrid is also the political, economic and cultural center of Spain.

While Madrid possesses a modern infrastructure, it has preserved the look and feel of many of its historic neighborhoods and streets. 

Our day began with a visit to the beautiful Bull Fighting Stadium.  Then a walk through Old Town past the Royal Palace.  We enjoyed lunch in San Miguel Mercado where we tasted many local specialities.  Afternoon was spent at the Prado Museum.

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