Friday, June 12, 2015

And we are off to Switzerland!

Finishing packing our bags, excitement building!  Received a note from Theresa and Bob Boren "We are in Zurich and everything went great. Got our car at the airport today instead of waiting til tomorrow. The Hilton is a little ways from the airport so we decided it would be easier. The weather is hot but supposed to rain and thunderstorm the next couple of days. We'll have fun anyway! See you in Basil."  Glad to hear from them!  But sorry about the rain forecast!  Most of us are leaving in the morning early to spend the day in the airport.  Hope we all can sleep on the flight to Zurich, Switzerland.  
Tonight we can all dream about our Joyful Friends Group, together again, renewing old friendships and making new ones as well.  We'll be spending two days in Lucerne, Switzerland,  with adventures planned and sights to discover.  Off to bed early, we hope, and let's get started!!!  Hope that all of you reading this will enjoy it and will be able to experience some of our adventures through our pictures.

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