Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Beijing Day 3

Our day began with a stop at a local tea house.  We were shown how to prepare several different teas and tasted 5 different kinds. Only 2 of us, Mike for one, spilled the tea.  Next came the treat of a Rickshaw ride through the Beijing of Old into the city's ancient back lanes of hutong neighborhoods.  Our next stop was at the home of a local resident whose home was a modest 600 square feet.  The lady was preparing dumplings in her kitchen. They looked good, but we were not able to taste. The lady's niece was a talented painter and paints inside bottles and jars.  This part of Beijing is not the best, but the people seemed happy and contented with who they are, what they do and the life they live. It made us realize how fortunate we are to live in our country.  Later we took a flight to Xian where we will stay for the next 2 nights.

Sipping tea at a local Tea House

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