Monday, October 31, 2016

School Visit

We woke up again today with gray skies and rain.  Temperature was a cool 50 degrees.  After a leisurely breakfast, we boarded our motorcoach and traveled for about an hour to visit a local school. Our group visited a first grade class of 65 with one teacher in a relatively small room.  The children performed for us and we were able to interact with them.  As you might expect, the students were very loud as they were excited to see us.  Also they were typical first graders in picking at one another and one little boy was seeing how far he could put a pencil up his nose.  Everyone in Tennessee should be very proud of the schools that our children attend.

Our delicious lunch today consisted of some Chinese delicacies-Pig ears,  Pig tails, chicken feet, lotus root and dried tofu. Yum,Yum!

Chinese First Grade

Chicken Feet

Pig Tails

The Little Emperor

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